Is Your Kubernetes Pod Failing to Start? Here’s a Command to Get Back on Your Feet

Today, I want to talk about how you can get back on your feet if your Kubernetes pods fail to start due to other errors or non-ready statuses, such as ErrImagePull, Pending, and 0/1 Ready. To do this, you can use the kubectl describe command …

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Troubleshooting OpenShift Internal Networking

There are many times in OpenShift where microservices need to talk to each other internally without exposing routes to the outside world. These microservices interact via the Kubernetes service API, which acts as a load balancer that resolves a set of pods to a single … “Troubleshooting OpenShift Internal Networking”

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Lightweight Secrets Management Tools for Git Encryption

There are a lot of great open source tools out there for storing secrets in Git. Depending on your use cases, some will be better for you and your organization than others. In this post we’ll see how some of the most popular open source … “Lightweight Secrets Management Tools for Git Encryption”

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Helm Tricks: Input Validation with ‘required’ and ‘fail’

When writing charts with Helm, the Kubernetes package manager, it’s often necessary to incorporate some sort of input validation to ensure deployments go as-planned. I’ll talk about two ways of performing validation – using the ‘required‘ and ‘fail‘ functions. Required The better-known function of the … “Helm Tricks: Input Validation with ‘required’ and ‘fail’”

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CI/CD on OpenShift Best Practices (a few, at least)

Earlier this year I helped shoot a video with Red Hat about CI/CD on OpenShift. This video covers three key topics: automating CI/CD configuration, using a git repository for common CI/CD artifacts, and parameterizing Jenkins pipelines. We viewed these topics as a few of the … “CI/CD on OpenShift Best Practices (a few, at least)”

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